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Registration Information

Please come to GOR Basket Antam Building, Jl TB Simatupang, South Jakarta during our practice hours to ask for more info or directly practice free trial with us.

Here is the registration form and the information you need to complete, print and submit to the administration when you join us.

Registration fee : Rp. 200,000,-

Monthly fee : Rp. 300,000,-


  • Fees / Contributions may change according to general and individual needs.

Note :

  • Your personal information is for internal communication purposes only and will not be published without your permission.

  • For users of iPad, iPhone, iPod, the display form will be slightly truncated. You can find all parts of the form by continuing to fill in the form fields and pressing the "tab" or "next" button on the screen keyboard if you haven't reached the end, where the "Print Form" command button will appear at the end of this form.

You can find more info on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list.

© 2024 by Victoria Basketball Club Jakarta

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