Board of Management
Designation | Name |
Ketua Umum | Adhika Caksana |
Ketua Harian | Erfan Bachtiar |
Sekretaris Umum | Yuda Saputra |
Komunikasi Umum | Martini Dermawan |
Kepelatihan | Ivan Harold Purba, Achmad Rizaldy |
Pengembangan Usaha | Giovanni Dodit |
Hubungan Masyarakat | Lenny Weichert |
Sumber Daya Manusia | Monika Soraya, Esty Pandean |
Dewan Pembina | Yudi Suyoto, Cuk Kustanto, Meirari Nainggolan, Yusuf Firdaus |

Management List & Coaches

Cuk Kustanto
Jakarta, Indonesia
Head Coach and Technical Director Victoria.
Guest Coach of several clubs and institutions in Jakarta.
Former Head Coach of the Kobanita Jakarta team.
Junior and Senior National Team Coach in the 1990s.
National Trainer Certificate and also several trainer upgrading certifications abroad.
Head coach of several PON teams.
One of Victoria's initiators, coaches and coaches from the start.
Reference coach on coaching education and sports lectures at the Faculty of Sports Education.

Ivan Harold Purba
Depok, West Java
Bachelor of Economics, Pancasila University.
Libama DKI best player in 2006 while studying at Pancasila University.
Perbasi B Trainer Certificate
Div2 team captain Victoria.
New extra-curricular opening at one of the elementary-junior schools at Pasar Minggu.
Trainer of Porseni in Pasar Minggu sub-district in 2007 and Jagakarsa in 2009-1010.
South Jakarta Area POR Trainer in 2014.
Trainer for several schools in South Jakarta.

Ahmad Rizaldi
Bintaro, South Tangerang
Perbasi B Trainer Certificate
Statistics team SEA GAMES Myanmar men's basketball team 2013.
Perbasi Coach Certificate B.
2013 Yogyakarta POMNAS XIII monitoring team.
Actively playing in Division II Victoria. IEC 2012 National Championship, Libama Main Div, Campus League 2013. IBS 2012 Champion, KU18 East Jakarta Champion.
Debut coaching Victoria KU12-14 since 2012.
New extra-curricular opening at one of the elementary-junior schools at Pasar Minggu.
Consistent with the use of statistics for evaluating teams and players.

Abdul Nizar
Bintaro, South Tangerang
Bachelor of Polytechnic Swadharma BNI Jakarta.
Perbasi B Certificate Trainer
Actively playing in the Victorian Second Division.
Assistant Coach KU12-14 th 2013.
Head Coach of KU12 2014-2015-2016.
Trainer for several schools in South Jakarta.