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Translation by: Adhika Caksana

Parent's Guide : Part 1 Interacting With Your Child

What do you hope your son or daughter will get from the basketball experience?

Do you envision your child playing in the NBA or WNBA (probably not)? Do you hope they will get a good college scholarship ( probably not)? Or, do you think their participation is a wonderful way to enjoy physical activity, learn about team play, and maybe even score some points?


Whatever your answer, please consider carefully. How you respond will have a big impact on how you support your son's or daughter's basketball pursuits. More importantly, your answers will further define how you interact with your child as he grows and develops as a basketball player.


As parents of youth players, one important tip: Before you see your young player love basketball, he must first develop an interest in playing it. To do that, he has to enjoy the game and see basketball, especially at a young age, as a fun activity. That's where it all started - nothing more than an activity where the child starts to be able to bump a ball a few times, or bounce a ball into a short basket, and so on. That's how the seeds of love for basketball are planted. Once it starts growing, it can continue to grow for years to come, with care and guidance, of course.


What did you need to do during the early years?

Basically, sit down and share experiences with your child. Sometimes adults have forgotten that basketball is just a game.



What advice should you give your budding basketball player?

Simple. Just tell them to play hard, and to have fun. If a smile keeps appearing on their face, it is more likely to put forth an earnest effort. And by playing hard they will get better in the process.



Building a Basketball Relationship With Your Child

One of the joys of being a parent of a young basketball player is being able to watch your child grow as a player. As a proud parent, you will be stunned when you see your little one wearing his first jersey and first processing the ball in a game. As a young player grows, so does the level of play. You will always be with them as they develop. You will experience the pain of defeat as well as the beauty of their victory. As a parent, your most important and rewarding role is to share those moments and create positive basketball relationships.



What About Coaching Your Own Child?


There's nothing wrong with volunteering to be an assistant coach for a boys' or girls' team. In fact, it can be of great benefit to you and your child. Make sure you discuss it with your son/daughter first. Mostly, they will like the idea. But there's a chance they'd say "no," too. If they'd rather you not coach, be sincere and respect your child's wishes.

If your child says yes, remind him that if you are volunteering as an assistant coach, that doesn't mean you will be playing favoritism. They should know you will be fair to all players. But it also doesn't mean being harder on your child. Remember what you said about being fair to all kids? That goes for your own young players too.


If you want to take on the responsibilities of a head coaching position, contact the league director and make your interest known. If the position is open, you may get a call.



Dealing with Your Child's Expectations


Let's assume you are a 10-year-old who loves basketball, and your child is one of the better players on the team. Are you still dreaming of a college basketball scholarship or a future NBA or WNBA career?


Dreams are okay, but still in perspective. A young player may quit early and leave the game if they feel they are being pushed too hard. The best way is to encourage participation, sportsmanship, hard work and fun. If they understand what you expect of them, then they will continue to thrive.



Play Basketball With Your Child


More than most sports, basketball provides parents with opportunities for on-court interaction with your son or daughter. Whether it's a simple game of shooting contest, free throw shooting contest, or even playing a simple one-on-one game, basketball requires nothing more than a ball and a basketball hoop.


But try not to take the opportunity to engage in competition with your son or daughter. If your child is 12 years old, compete with him as if you were 12 instead of growing up full grown. Get into the habit of acknowledging your child's good and successful shots. Make him feel good about their results. Everyone responds positively to calls - especially children. And remember children copy the actions of their parents. If you show them how to respond to good play, they will follow your lead.


What's the point? Basketball is one of the rare athletic activities that can transcend gender and generation.And it's also fun!

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